In the previous article, I touched on what detoxification is and how the body gets rid of toxins. The detox procedures that are recommended in the health and wellness spaces actually enhance the body’s ability to excrete waste. For example, sauna treatments are done to enhance waste excretion by inducing sweat. The use of laxatives or colon cleansers is employed to clean the bowels by inducing the act of "pooping" and then water therapies induce urination. There are also industrially supplements that help to achieve similar results.
It was also mentioned that the organ in the body for detox is the liver, which in extreme cases of toxin overload, is forced to store the excess. The liver would eventually breakdown when this happens comsistently, ultimately leading to body poisoning, disease and possibly death. This is most probably the basis for the theory of detox. Thinking about the fact that the organ responsible for cleaning our bodies of toxins hoards them to its eventual deterioration, brings a lot of sense to the detox concept and it is fascinating how provisions have been made through nature for such a purpose.
There is only a handful of published scholarly research articles that prove that "detox diets" actually work. It is however a known fact that the liver is capable of self-cleansing as it makes use especially of antioxidants and their enzymes which it either produces or derives from foods we eat.
The antioxidants and their enzymes which the liver produces include glutathione and N-acetyl-cysteine, superoxide dismutase and catalase. Glutathione is known to be the most powerful antioxidant discovered. It most effectively mops up free radicals, heavy metals and harmful bacteria in the body. It works together with the N-acetyl-cysteine enzyme and also prevents oxidation, one of the main chemical causes of aging and disease. Superoxide dismutase is an antioxidant enzyme that also plays a role in protecting cells from damage from ultraviolet (UV) rays and the harmful effects of oxygen in the body. Some research shows that superoxide dismutase could play a role in reducing the effects of rheumatoid arthritis as it reduces inflammation. Catalase is also an antioxidant enzyme that helps to cleanse the body and maintain healthy chemical levels. It is known to aid in reversing greying hair as well as the prevention of aging and skin discoloration.
It is important to note that the roles of these molecules are interconnected and with pollution, poor eating habits and age, the capacity of the liver to produce them reduces. Hence the need to supplement and support it. Including sulphur-based nutrients in your diet is key to improving the production of these molecules. Cruciferous and green-leafy vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, then garlic, onions and shallots are a great source.
The other class of antioxidants are obtained from food and they include the B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids. These are concentrated in fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, specifically the brightly coloured ones. It is therefore recommended, for the most part, to consume raw fruits,vegetables and herbs to make "detox" most efficient.
Dicing and juicing fruits and vegetables, as well as brewing herbs to make tea, ease their consumption. To prevent bloating in the process, I would suggest to keep it simple. Mono-fruit and/or mono-vegetable diet at a go should suffice in any case of detox. Though mixing different fruits and vegetables may seem to make eating them more interesting, it is always best to keep it simple- use one type of fruit or vegetable, or at most mix two within the same category. Also blanching and steaming vegetables before consumption ease digestion and nutrient absorption. At all cost, avoid extended cooking of both fruits and vegetables to preserve as much of their phytonutrients as possible.
Sometimes you may experience detox symptoms as dizziness, fatigue, headaches and even nausea. Drinking more water when you feel any of these may allay them but if these symptoms persist, I would suggest you abort the detoxification and consult your healthcare provider. Also, consult your healthcare provider if you have health conditions including allergies and G6PD deficiency before embarking on any form of eating or "detox".
For support on detoxification, please send an email with the subject "Detox support" in this link and we will gladly assist you.
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